
"My child's facial eczema is returning, even when applying SmartLotion® 1x per day"

Issue: Some SmartLotion® users have reported that after applying SmartLotion® to their child's face 2x per day for 2 weeks, then reducing to 1x per day after that, the child's eczema is returning. Wh…

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar

"My rash has returned" or "I'm experiencing a flare-up"

Issue: Some SmartLotion® users have reported that after clearing up their rash and progressing to a preventative routine that their rash returns. What Dr. Harlan Would Do: In Dr. Harlan's practice he…

Ashley Schwab
Updated by Ashley Schwab

"SmartLotion® Made My Eczema Worse"

Issue: Some SmartLotion® users have reported that after a few days of use, their eczema/dermatitis appears to be getting worse. Cause(s): This can be caused by 3 potential issues, as follows: 1) Stop…

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar

"What should I do if I have thin skin?"

Issue: Some people have thin skin from previous steroid treatments that can crack and bleed. What Dr. Harlan Would Do: In Dr. Harlan's practice he would recommend that his patients use a collagen con…

Ashley Schwab
Updated by Ashley Schwab

Dry Skin

For dry skin associated with any skin condition, please see our FAQ article "Can SmartLotion® Be Used As a Moisturizer?"

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar


After a flare-up has cleared, the rash can leave behind dark, discolored spots on the skin. This is known as hyperpigmentation. For hyperpigmentation, Dr. Harlan says the following: Hyperpigmentation…

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar

New Skin Irritation Or Seasonal Intolerances

Problem: Sudden onset of skin sensitivity, even after previously using SmartLotion®. Some patients experience skin changes in a way that increases their skin's sensitivity. They may have had a regula…

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar

Peeling Skin

Some SmartLotion® users may experience peeling skin. This is normal and part of the healing process, like our article on stinging skin. It should go away within 2 weeks. If your skin feels dry and yo…

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar

Persistent Redness of the Face (For Teenagers)

Issue: After treating redness, scaling, and itching from dermatitis, eczema, or irritation from acne meds, your teen’s face tends to have redness that persists or comes right back. Dr. Harlan's Recom…

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar

Persistent Redness of the Face (For Infants and Children)

Issue: After treating redness scaling and itching from dermatitis or eczema, your child’s face tends to have redness that persists or comes right back. Dr. Harlan's Recommendations: Dr. Harlan has fo…

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar

Persistent Redness of the Face (for Adults)

Issue: After treating redness, scaling, and itching from dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis, your face tends to have redness that persists or comes right back. Dr. Harlan's Recommendations: Dr. Harlan…

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar

SmartLotion® Isn't Helping Enough

Issue: Some SmartLotion® users have reported that SmartLotion® is helping a little, but not enough. Cause(s): This can be caused by the following potential issues: 1) Not enough moisturizing Dr. Harl…

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar

Stinging: It's Part of The Healing Process

In some rare cases, your skin may sting, turn pink, or increase in redness when first applying SmartLotion®. If this happens, please don’t worry. Eczema can make skin extremely sensitive, and the sti…

Stuart Millar
Updated by Stuart Millar
