Atopic Dermatitis/ Eczema (Adults)
by Stuart Millar
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On the body, atopic dermatitis appears as red, slightly scaling patches with prominent itching, most commonly located on the wrists, arms, back of the knees or on the hands. On the face, atopic dermatitis appears as red, slightly scaling patches with prominent itching, most commonly located on the lateral face, ears, eyelids, neck or jawline. Often flares in the winter, or with stress or sweating. Atopic dermatitis is also known as eczema.
Dr. Harlan typically treats his adult patients for facial atopic dermatitis by having them apply SmartLotion® 2-4x per day for up to 4 weeks and moisturizing 2x per day.
For atopic eczema located on the body, he has his adult patients apply SmartLotion® 4x per day for up to 4 week and moisturizing 2x per day.
Dr. Harlan's recommended moisturizer is Perfect Repair™, a moisturizer he formulated specifically for dermatitis patients.
As long as the patient sees improvement during the initial 4 weeks, after 4 weeks he typically recommends tapering down by 1 application per day for 2 weeks until they are down to 1 application per day or less. The rate of tapering should vary based on how quickly the rash is healing.
For a successful recovery from atopic dermatitis, Dr. Harlan insists that his patients moisturize a minimum of 2x per day. When moisturizing and applying SmartLotion® at the same time, he recommends that his patients moisturize first before applying SmartLotion®.
If the patient does not see improvement within the first 4 weeks, he will prescribe them a stronger treatment for 3 weeks to help with initial control and recovery before switching back to SmartLotion®.
He instructs his patients to reduce soap, showers, and perspiration-inducing activities temporarily while recovering from the flare-up.
For moisturizers, please use Perfect Repair™ found at this link or review Dr. Harlan's favorite moisturizers when you click here.
For severe, thick dermatitis on the body, Dr. Harlan will prescribe a steroid such as Clobetasol cream or betamethasone dipropionate cream for initial control of the flare-up.
Cat dander often aggravates. Avoid cat exposure.
After initial control and tapering, Dr. Harlan recommends his patients adopt a long term routine that works for them.
In addition to 2x per day moisturizer applications, Dr. Harlan instructs his adult patients to apply SmartLotion® 1x to 2x per day for the body and 1x per day for the face. Some patients require 1 application per day, and some only require 3 applications per week.
This is why long-term safety was so important to Dr. Harlan when he formulated SmartLotion®. For whatever maintenance schedule his patients require, he wanted to ensure that there would be no chance of side effects. Rest assured, SmartLotion® is 100% safe for long term use, as demonstrated in his peer-reviewed safety study.
To read Dr. Harlan's peer -reviewed safety study, please click here.