Stasis Dermatitis

Stuart Millar Updated by Stuart Millar

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Itching and skin discoloration of the ankles or shins, involving thickened skin and ulcers. Caused by fluid buildup, often due to blood circulation issues.


Dr. Harlan treats his adult patients for stasis dermatitis by first having them apply SmartLotion® 3x per day for up to 3 weeks.

He also insists that his stasis dermatitis patients apply a moisturizer 2x per day minimum. For a list of Dr. Harlan's recommended moisturizers, click here.

Additionally, Dr. Harlan recommends that his stasis dermatitis patients use 2 Ace wraps on each leg to wrap their legs from the toes to the knees.

He also recommends that his stasis dermatitis patients keep their legs elevated as much as possible.

If the patient is unable to use Ace wraps, then keeping the leg or legs elevated is even more important.

Dr. Harlan has treated many patients for stasis dermatitis without prescription medication using this exact strategy. Most of his patients see good improvement within 3 weeks.

How did we do?

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